For Such a Time as This...
This lonely, broken, beautiful world is the context in which First Presbyterian Church has been called to love God and our neighbors.
By worshiping together, by deepening roots in Christ and his Word, by building relationships that matter for faith, and by seeking extravagant ways to serve our community, we long to discover meaningful spiritual life, to taste authentic community, and to bear witness to a hope greater than ourselves. Call it life in Christ, life together, and life for others.
What if it's for such a time as this that we, all of us, have been invited to trust in Jesus together and to surprise Missoula with Christ's astonishing love?
Weekly Worship with FPC
You are welcome to join us for worship! We gather Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Church Sanctuary and celebrate the Lord's Supper the first Sunday of each month. Our blended service is led by a variety of voices and instruments - from piano to guitar, violin to cello, and handbells to drums. Know that we especially celebrate the sounds of little children in worship!
This Sunday
Worship with FPC | January 19th, 2025 | Luke 4.14-30
Some years ago, many of our congregation walked through a study called the New Catechumenate pondering the central hopes and practices of the Christian spiritual life.
Jerry Sittser, of Whitworth University, invited us to formulate a ‘rule of life’ – that is, a lifegiving, intentional roadmap for living in communion with the One who calls us beloved: Every day I will…, Every month I will…, Every year I will….
At its heart a rule of life may have a simple mission statement informed by Christian faith, like ‘Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God (Micah 6.8).’
This week we come to Jesus’ personal mission in the gospel of Luke. We read it weeks ago as prophecy from Isaiah 61:
18 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free those who are oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor’ (Luke 4.18-19).
What themes does Jesus hold central to his own sense of purpose?
And what of his sense of calling resonates most powerfully with yours?
Prayer: Lord, give us gladness to have our hearts broken by the things that break your heart. Lord, give us joy to find purpose in your delight to set free. Amen.
Remote Worship
We will be together in the Sanctuary for worship this Sunday at 9:30am. You can also click these links to live-stream our worship service (or view it afterward):
To listen by phone to the live 9:30am worship service on Sunday via Zoom, call 253-215-8782. You will be asked to enter three codes:
Meeting ID: 84025131691 (then #)
Participant ID: (just press #)
Password: 658627 (then #)
You will also be able to join worship by clicking the link on FPC's webpage or find it on Facebook at 'First Presbyterian Church Missoula'
Stay Connected
We invite you to stay connected to FPC
Click here for FPC's 2024-2025 calendar of events
Click here for our most recent weekly First Word, sharing detailed news, announcements, and invitations regarding all that is going on in the life and ministry of our church family.
Each Friday we send our FPC News email to share First Word information with you. Please provide or update your contact information with FPC by emailing or calling the church office at (406)549-5144.
Click here to view the Casas Por Cristo 2024 Trip Slideshow.
Contact Us / Office Hours
Call us at (406) 549-5144 or email us at
The Church Office is open 9am-3pm Tuesday-Friday (unless otherwise posted) at 235 S. 5th St. W.
How grateful we are for your gifts to support the multiplication of good news for our city! Please make online gifts by clicking here. You can also bring your offerings to worship, mail checks to FPC, or drop them by the office 9am-3pm Tuesday-Friday.
Dan Cravy Pastor
Austin Graef Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry
Emma Thackston Director of Worship
Becky Kress Church Operations Manager
Jo Ruby Program Support Administrator
Haleigh Adair Church Secretary
Tomi Kent Bell Choir Director
Downloadable Worship Resources
Contact Us